Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Did The Translators of The New World Translation Know Hebrew?

This site shows that they did!
Click on
NWT mistake a good thing
NWT mistake actually a good thing!

In the book Holman Quick Source Guide to Understanding Creation

by Mark Whorton & Hill Robers on page 173 Chapter 19 it reads,

" In this context we must follow the lead of the Apostle Paul when he wrote: " Set apart the Messiah as Lord in your hearts, always be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you.'' ( 1 Peter.3:15)

Did you see the problem. Peter said this not Paul! So before anyone wants to point fingers at the New World Translation. Realize that they actually translated the Hebrew and made a mistake. But in this book they didn't even translate; they wrote in their common tongue!


In 1953, The first volume of the NWT of the Hebrew Scriptures was published, which had Leviticus 23:21 read:

"And you must proclaim on this very day Jehovah's holy convention for yourselves."

This stood for 26 years, when it was changed to:

"And you must make a proclamation on this very day; there will be a holy convention for yourselves."

Lev. 23:21 has יהיה ("there will be") which is remarkably similar to יהוה ("Jehovah"). The translators misread יהיה as יהוה and later corrected this as noted in the 8/15/79 Watchtower's notice to it's readers on page 31:

"A Correction

In making the New World Translation of Leviticus 23:21, the Hebrew יהיה (“it will be”) was misread as יהוה (“Jehovah”). Hence, the first sentence of this verse should read: “And you must make a proclamation on this very day; there will be a holy convention for yourselves.”'

The original mistake definitely shows that the translators were either working from or comparing a Hebrew text and not simply “revising” English bibles, and the revision shows that the later revisers were also checking the Hebrew.


  1. Hi brother, thank you for pointing this out. I have the Holman Quick Source Guide to Understanding Creation, and you're right, that quote appears on pages 172-3. I missed that mistake they made.

    Have you read that book? I have, and I really enjoyed it!

    1. I laughed when I read this, not at you of course but because no I didn't read the book front to back. However, I did read the topics I found attractive. Mainly the last couple chapters.

    2. I have responded to the Trinitarian claims made in that book in my blog post under the subheading "Jehovah Sent Fire from Heaven" here:

    3. Do you have the Apologetics version?
      It's 1:16am over here, so I'll read the post later. Hey have you heard of a brother from Greece named Michael? He's on youtube, that's how we met. maybe we can exchange info from time to time.

    4. Hi, no I don't have the Holman QuickSource Guide to Christian Apologetics. Do you? I also have't met that brother Michael.

    5. Yes I do have the apologetics version, it's alright. I ask about Michael because I lost contact with him. Great brother btw.
      This link is basically the whole book in video form.


Fulfill Your Role as an Evangelizer This is a wonderful Watchtower I thought was extremely useful and have been wanting to share.  5/15/13...